
SONAMY Story, Final Chpt. 15

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                                                              ~Chapter 15; Final~
           Slowly Amy's conscious came back to her. Before her eyes opened her ears could hear. And what they heard was no longer the calm strumming of the old cat's guitar. Blaire's regretful voice. The voices yelling, ones she couldn't identify. The shouts and cries that Amy couldn't put a name or face too. Then suddenly a peaceful silence only broken by the rush of wind that was blowing over her. It was a strange sensation, one she thought she recognized. She felt hands around her waist, holding her close to them. She felt the warmth of someone's body against her side; felt the slow, steady rise and fall of their chest. Slowly, her eyes opened up. She saw blurs of blue above her, clouded and foggy. Slowly her eyes focused. And slowly she acknowledged her surroundings. She now registered the steady bumping as the person holding her put down foot after foot, propelling her and the runner forward. She looked up at the person. She glimpsed his long black nose, his blue fur and his green eyes staring straight forward towards the road. Suddenly he stumbled and Amy squeezed her eyes shut, lost in a bout of dizziness, opening them when he'd regained his footing. She stared up at his face and saw something in the corners of his eyes. Small droplets of water; tears. Sonic was crying? Amy felt guilt wash over her. She'd chosen Blaire over Sonic. She hadn't known it would even matter to him, but he was right. He cared for her even though he didn't always show it. Amy remembered her latest experience with Blaire, which had to have been only a few minutes earlier; she didn't feel as though she'd been out long. The reason as to why she'd fainted had come to her now.

She thought back to one thanksgiving with her parents when she was only five. Her mother had cooked the turkey goose and basted it in wine. She had gotten unusually sick after the dinner and came to realize that it'd been because of the alcohol in the turkey marinade. She had found out then that she had an extremely low tolerance for alcohol and had steered clear of it ever since.

Blaire must've told the bartender to add a shot into her coke because she'd become terribly sick awfully fast. Amy cursed Blaire as she realized that she made a huge mistake of spending her time with him over this week. He wasn't any good. Sonic had seen that, and Amy, unfortunately hadn't. What had she done! She had created a mess of everything. She felt tears coming to her own eyes and squeezed them shut and buried her head into Sonic's warm chest. She stayed that way until a minute later she felt Sonic abruptly set her down. Amy kept her eyes closed as she felt herself being set onto the ground, into a soft patch of grass. Sonic silently sat down beside her.

Amy buried her face in her hands and let the tears loose as silent sobs shook her body. Sonic watched silently, waiting for her to recover. He knew how she felt. Remorseful, angry, and betrayed. Three things he'd encountered recently. Now, Sonic watched Amy with growing concern as her sobs only increased. Slowly but surely Amy calmed and eventually her sobs stopped all together. She stood slowly and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. She wasn't surprised to find herself underneath the giant oak in the meadow from earlier.  She only glanced at her surroundings as she started forward unsteadily. Sonic sat behind her under the tree, in confusion at what Amy was doing. Amy knew that Sonic was probably angry with her. Angry with her for going off alone with Blaire and not telling anyone but Tails. He was probably feeling pretty good about himself too; he was right that Blaire was irresponsible and had morals in the gutter. She hung her head in rejection but reminded herself that she had to keep her pride. She lifted her chin and continued forward as best she could without stumbling, still inebriated. Sonic still watched with curiosity. Where was Amy going?
"Amy." He called out after her. Amy flinched at her name and stopped walking when she realized there wasn't anger in Sonic's voice. "Ames, where ya going?" Amy shook her head and started to walk again, faster now. She needed to get away from Sonic, from everyone.
"Amy, please come back." Sonic's voice broke at the end. Amy remembered his tears and thought again. He was all she had left now, and all she ever needed.

Slowly Amy turned and took a cautious step back towards the tree, but refused to look at Sonic. She hung her head and walked forward. Sonic stood upon her approach. He opened his arms and Amy walked into them and hid her face in his chest as her tears started to come. Sonic closed his arms around her and they stood there in that embrace for what seemed like forever. Finally Sonic loosened his grip and Amy looked up at him. He could tell that she was still on the verge of tears.
"You aren't mad at me?" Amy sniffled, looking into Sonic's deep green eyes. He frowned.
"Mad? Why would I be mad at you?" Sonic replied, confused.
"Because, well, I didn't really think about what I was doing. I was stupid. I thought you'd be angry with me. You were right all along and I didn't listen"
"Well, it wasn't all that smart to follow Blaire into that bar… but, what happened exactly? When I found you, you were passed out on the floor." Amy grimaced.
"Ever since I was little I've had an extremely low tolerance for alcohol. If my mother would even cook something with it I would get sick."
"Then why'd you-"
"I didn't. I think Blaire had the bartender spike my drink." Amy interrupted. Sonic's hand clenched into a fist. "Please Sonic, can we not talk about him anymore. I'm not feeling to good about the whole thing." Sonic looked at her and his fingers relaxed. He thought now to the reason he'd gone to find her in the first place. Now that he was here, Sonic felt somewhat shy to tell her his feelings. Sonic gazed into Amy's eyes, thinking. He truly felt suddenly afraid to tell her. As he watched, Amy's eyes swelled again with tears and she closed them and bowed her head back into his chest.
"Amy. Ames, come on, don't cry. It's alright…." Sonic said, trying to comfort her. Amy looked back up at Sonic, her eyes shiny.
"Sonic, I'm so sorry. I really am. I feel bad for making you have to get involved with all of this. I know it was hard on you." Amy said apoligetically. Sonic turned a little pink. Then she shielded her eyes again into his chest and Sonic heard her mumble. "I love you Sonic. And I know now that you're the only one I'll ever love." Amy half-expected him to push her off and run away, but to her surprise he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.
"Shhh…. Ames it's ok." If there was ever a time to tell Amy how he felt, it was now. He pulled her back to look at him. Amy sniffled and wiped her tears away with her hand again. 'Come on, don't be ashamed hedgehog.' Sonic thought as he became uneasy. Amy needed to know this.
"Ames, I need to tell you something." Amy looked at him curiously. Sonic felt warmth coarse through him as he saw Amy's face relaxed and calm now, shining in the late afternoon sun.

This was right. He should have known it all along. But, it wasn't too late.

"I've been thinking a lot over the last few days, and… I've realized something. I'm in love. In- in love with" he paused slightly an closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. ""

Sonic watched as Amy's face slowly broke into a smile and her tears came again. Not ones of sadness though, of joy. Pure joy.
"Oh Sonic, you have no idea how long I've waited to hear you say that."
"Oh yes, yes I do." Sonic replied grinning. But then his smile disappeared. "I think I have something to apologize for too Amy. I never should have treated you the way I did all those years. Now that I've thought about it, I realize that running away from you and avoiding you that whole time was mean and it was hurting you. I regret it and I want you to know that." Sonic said. Amy beamed.
"I love you too Sonic. So, so much." Amy cried and gave Sonic a running hug, practically tackling into the meadow grass. He chuckled lightly and held Amy tight as she squeezed him.
"Ames…" Sonic said quietly. She let go and looked at him, hearing lust, almost, in his voice. A few moments passed as the two gazed into each other's eyes. Then slowly, Sonic leaned in and pressed his lips against Amy's. Amy kissed back eagerly, knowing finally that her life long hero was truly hers. She broke off as an unavoidable smile broke across her face and she giggled. Sonic's cheeks were as red as Knuckles, but he leaned in and kissed her again; longer this time. Slowly he brought Amy down into the grass, pressing his body against hers, careful not to break the kiss. And as the sun set behind them and their shadows grew longer the world seem to quiet in their moment and settle into sync with the two hedgehogs, for it was not until Amy's watch beeped with an incoming call from a worried orange fox that they left the serenity of the moment.

                                                                        The End <3
The Final Chapter is here!!! :w00t: :boogie: :clap:

I hope you guys enjoy the ending to this story, which suprisingly only took me two months!! Hooray!! I like the ending, its so sweet. Go Sonamy!! :dance:

Thank you All for reading; you have been a great audience!! :clap:

I give myself Kudos, this is the longest piece i've written so far in my short life, and I would like to think that it turned out great! :bow:



CHAPTER 14: [link]


In need of more Sonamy? Well, there will be another story kicking off soon. Same characters, except Blaire the Hedgehog and all related.


It's four years later and Sonic the Hedgehog is bored with life. Eggman has been inactive leaving Sonic nothing to do but mope around Tails' workshop in Mystic Ruin of Robotropolis. Little does he know that he is about to get more excitment that he'd had since the days of Sonic X when one day a mysterious message is found scrawled into the road outside of the Mobius City Hall. At the same time, Shadow and Rouge stumble upon some information that they don't know the importance of until Tikal and Choas tell the story of the Shades; and ancient form or cousin of Chaos with great powers. Their civilazation has been locked away in a compressed dimension sealed in the Chaos Emeralds. Due to Eggman, they're escaping and threatening Sonic's home planet. Will they stop the few Shades that have entered their world before they can open the portals for entire armies to come through?

Find out in the thrilling new story by Victoriaart14, Cousins of Chaos It'll be stocked full of action, mystry and of course, romance. :love: Make sure to read!

Thanks, Victoriaart14

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